Edison Pace Education

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Our broad, balanced and nurturing curriculum allows our young people to gain qualifications in a range of subjects.

Our curriculum is not capped, meaning we can offer accreditation up to and including GCSE Level qualifications in English and Mathematics, alongside BTECs and Entry Levels in Science, Art and Design and more.

A key feature of our curriculum is Outdoor Education, which includes the opportunity to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver Awards.

Our experienced teaching and support staff assist young people to overcome and adversity and blend academic learning with vocational and outdoor learning.

The day is structured with timetable lessons covering all aspects of the curriculum. At the start and end of each day children spend quality time with their keyworker, which is an opportunity to reflect, discuss and address any issues they may have.

We have a dedicated speech and language therapist who is integral to our offer. Individual plans are tailored to meet the communication needs of each young person

Our careers programme is robust and embedded within our personal development curriculum. All young people in years 10 and 11 are provided with independent careers advice, giving them opportunities to explore the next step in their educational journey. They are given the opportunity to visit local colleges and take part in work experience, if this is deemed appropriate. In year 11, our young people will have a careers plan to enable them to easily transition into post-16 education or apprenticeships.